What pharmacies can I use?

You can choose where to fill your prescriptions, but using certain types of pharmacies might save you money. Some pharmacies may offer a 2- or 3-month supply of covered drugs.

In-network pharmacies

Medicare plans have contracts with "in-network pharmacies." These pharmacies have agreed to offer a discounted price for members of certain Medicare plans. In some Medicare plans, your drugs are only covered if you get them filled at in-network pharmacies.

Preferred in-network pharmacies

If your plan has “preferred in-network pharmacies,” they may save you money on your out-of-pocket drug costs (like a copayment or coinsurance) because they have agreed to charge less than other pharmacies in your plan’s network.

Mail-order pharmacies

Some plans may offer a mail-order program that allows you to get up to a 3-month supply of your covered drugs sent directly to your home. Plans may also offer an “automatic refill” service on these drugs.  A mail-order program may be a cost-effective and convenient way to get drugs you take regularly. Contact your plan for more information.

Out-of-network pharmacies

These pharmacies aren’t part of a plan’s network and usually offer drugs at a higher cost.

  • If you buy your drugs at an out-of-network pharmacy, you'll probably have to pay full cost for the drugs.
  • If you paid full cost for the drugs, save your receipts so you can ask your plan if it'll refund you for a portion of your costs (Note: You won't get a refund for the out-of-network cost-sharing amount). Ask your plan how to submit your claim.
  • Contact your plan for more information about their out-of-network rules.