Getting drugs in a disaster or emergency

If you have Medicare drug coverage, and live in an area that's been declared an emergency or disaster, contact your plan for help:

  • Finding an in-network pharmacy nearby. An in-network pharmacy is a pharmacy that agrees to provide members of certain Medicare plans with services and supplies at a discounted price. In some Medicare plans, your prescriptions are only covered if you get them filled at in-network pharmacies.
  • Replacing lost or damaged drugs or replacing a drug you couldn’t take with you when you evacuated.
  • Getting drugs at an out-of-network pharmacy when you can't reasonably get to an in-network pharmacy.

Learn how to get care in disasters or emergencies.

To get your plan’s contact information:

Using in-network pharmacies

  • You'll be able to move most prescriptions from one in-network pharmacy to another, and then back to your regular pharmacy when the emergency or disaster ends. If you need help finding the closest in-network pharmacy, contact your plan.
  • You'll need to tell the new pharmacy the name of your regular pharmacy and the drugs you need refilled.

Using out-of-network pharmacies

  • Contact your plan for information about their out-of-network rules.
  • When you buy your drugs at an out-of-network pharmacy, you'll probably have to pay full cost for the drugs.
  • If you paid full cost for the drugs, save your receipts so you can ask your plan if it'll refund you for your costs (Note: You won't get a refund for the out-of-network cost-sharing amount). Ask your plan how to submit your claim.

Additional (extended-day) supplies

If you think you won't return home for a long time, you may want to get a 60- to 90-day supply of your prescription drugs. Ask your plan if it offers 60- to 90-day supplies and which pharmacies you can use to get them.

For more information on getting prescription drugs during an emergency or disaster, contact your plan.