“Welcome to Medicare” package (not automatically enrolled)

What is it?

This welcome package is the first mail you'll get from Medicare. It includes a letter, booklet, and Medicare card. The booklet explains important decisions you need to make now that you have Medicare.

It's sent to people who:

  • Go to Social Security to sign up for Medicare
  • First sign up for Social Security retirement benefits (at age 65 or older)
  • Automatically get Medicare with less than 3 months before coverage starts (usually for people under age 65 with certain disabilities)

When should I get it?

About 2 weeks after you sign up for Medicare or Social Security benefits. If you get Medicare automatically based on disability, you'll get this package about 2 weeks after Social Security approves your benefits.

Who sends it?


What should I do if I get these materials?

Read the materials carefully as soon as you get them because they explain important decisions that you should make now.

Download a sample

"Welcome to Medicare" package

Get this package in Spanish

Publication, product, or other number

Product No. 12020

Unofficial name

"Welcome to Medicare" package