Signing up


Get ready for Medicare package

  • Why did I get it?
    You’re being automatically enrolled in Medicare because you’re getting Social Security benefits.
  • When do I get it?
    3 months before your Medicare coverage starts. 

Welcome to Medicare package

  • Why did I get it?
    You recently signed up for Medicare through Social Security.
  • When do I get it?
    About 2 weeks after you sign up for Medicare or Social Security benefits. If you’ll be getting Medicare automatically based on disability, you'll get this package about 2 weeks after Social Security approves your benefits.

Sign up for Part B package

  • Why did I get it?
    In the past year, you didn’t sign up for, dropped, or lost Part B coverage. Now you have a chance to enroll in Part B during the upcoming General Enrollment Period.
  • When do I get it?
    Before the start of the Part B General Enrollment Period (January 1 – March 31 each year).

Immunosuppressive drug benefit welcome package

  • Why did I get it?
    You recently signed up for the Medicare immunosuppressive drug benefit.
  • When do I get it?
    About 2 weeks after you sign up.