Lancet devices & lancets

Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance)
covers lancet devices and lancets as supplies used with durable medical equipment (DME) if you have diabetes.

Your costs in Original Medicare

After you meet the Part B

you pay 20% of the
Medicare-approved amount
(if your supplier accepts
). Medicare pays for different kinds of DME in different ways. Depending on the type of equipment:

  • You may need to rent the equipment.
  • You may need to buy the equipment.
  • You may be able to choose whether to rent or buy the equipment.

Make sure your doctors and DME suppliers are enrolled in Medicare. It’s also important to ask a supplier if they participate in Medicare before you get DME. If suppliers are participating in Medicare, they must accept assignment (which means, they can charge you only the coinsurance and Part B deductible for the Medicare‑approved amount). If suppliers aren’t participating and don’t accept assignment, you may have to pay for the full cost of the DME.

Find out cost

To find out how much your test, item, or service will cost, talk to your doctor or health care provider. The specific amount you’ll owe may depend on several things, like:

  • Other insurance you may have
  • How much your doctor charges
  • If your doctor accepts assignment
  • The type of facility
  • Where you get your test, item, or service

Is my test, item, or service covered?