Claims & appeals

File a complaint (grievance)

Find out how to file a complaint (also called a "grievance") if you have a concern about the quality of care or other services you get from a Medicare provider. Contact your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) for local, personalized Medicare counseling.

File a claim

Get information on how and when to file a claim for your Medicare bills (sometimes called "Medicare billing"). You should only need to file a claim in very rare cases.

Check the status of a claim

Check your claim status with your secure Medicare account, your Medicare Summary Notice (MSN), your Explanation of Benefits (EOB), Medicare's Blue Button, or contact your plan.

File an appeal

How to appeal a coverage or payment decision made by Medicare, your health plan, drug plan or Medicare Medical Savings Account (MSA) Plan.

Your right to a fast appeal

Learn how to get a fast appeal for Medicare-covered services you get that are about to stop.

Local Coverage Determinations (LCD) challenge

LCDs are decisions made by a Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) whether or not to cover a particular item or service. This page explains the conditions for when you can challenge an LCD, when and where to file, and what to include in the LCD challenge.